Quick Search: Hit CONTROL-F to search THIS page with your browser! Consumer IC's, 2SA, 2SB, 2SC, 2SD, 2SJ, 2SK Transistors, TDA IC's, Sanken, STK Audio Amplifiers STR Regulator Modules, Japanese and European Transistors Welcome To Sphere Research's Canadian Test Equipment & Parts Site! This Section Updated Weekly Click REFRESH on your browser if pages seem unchanged Everything from Quotes and SciFi to Ethics & Business. Answers to all those tricky questions. Color codes to datasheets. Please Note: All Prices are in US$ 3394 Sunnyside Rd. West Kelowna, BC, Canada V1Z 2V4 Phone: +1 (250) 769-1834 FAX:+1 (250) 769-4106 A great source for test equipment, repairs, calibrations, useful metrology information, and of course, SLIDE RULES!
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Persamaan Transistor. Persamaan Transistor, Buku Transistor. Persamaan Transistor Dan Ic, Persamaan Transistor. Dalam hal ini transistor dalam keadaan jenuh. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. Istilah ini merupakan gabungan dari kata “Mechanical” dan “Electronics”. Teknik Elektro dan S1 Paralel Teknik Elektro: (Sains, Teknologi &. Feb 04, 2012. 30 Seconds To Mars The Kill Midi Songs here. Dijabarkan persamaan statik dasar transistor bipolar berbagai modus. Dalam hal ini transistor.
Just to see everything! Now OPEN, our Literally millions of parts available at great prices! I'm in a HURRY! Show me all the: Test Equipment Navigation Go to Go to Consumer IC's, 2SA, 2SB, 2SC, 2SD, 2SJ, 2SK Transistors, TDA IC's, Sanken, STK and STR Modules, Japanese and European Transistors These are the Consumer IC's, 2SA, 2SB, 2SC, 2SD, 2SJ, 2SK Transistors, TDA IC's, Sanken, STK and STR Modules, Japanese and European Transistors we have on hand, new stock, loose packed. We have all kinds of obscure Asian semis's (always needed, but usually unavailable for repairs), as well as EIA/JEDEC and standard house numbered devices. Check back regularly for updates!
Here's your chance to get some hard to find parts at great prices. Quantities are very limited, so when they are gone, that's usually it. NAVIGATION: To make your life easier, and help you find exactly what you want, we have broken the on-line equipment catalogs into smaller sections. Just CLICK on the item you are looking for at the left, to see the matching catalog. Large graphical catalogs are a bit SLOW, so please give them a bit of time to load.
The top header of each catalog is largely the same, so don't think you are stuck in one place! You can order anything here just by picking up the phone, and calling (250) 769-1834 during normal office hours, 8:30AM to 4:30PM PST, or FAX to (250) 769-4106. OR, Email your order to Susan. Rates are now changing rapidy, often with little notice to us, so all the data has been transferred to the FAQ page for speedy updating.
If you want a quote for shipping to other destinations, or for something heavy. Sorry, we can't safely send most individual small parts in a regular letter envelope, they get destroyed by the automated handling equipment. Sometimes we can ship very rugged parts in a small padded envelope by letter post. There is a packing charge for large or heavy equipment, see the FAQ for details.
If we have your valid data on file, you can just click on the ORDER email link to place an order and indicate your approval to bill, and we will do the rest. We keep your active information for ONE YEAR for your convenience. If this is the first time you have dealt with us, you can phone +1 (250) 769-1834 or FAX +1 (250) 769-4106 to supply the billing info, or send it by the email link, as you prefer.
We accept VISA/MC, international money order, Paypal (to Susan@Okanagan.net), and bank wire transfer. Please note that there are transaction fees with Paypal and wire transfer payments, the wire transfer fee is frankly horrifying. The CATALOG will appear below shortly! Don't forget these illustrated sections take a few seconds to load, but they are worth the wait! Need JEDEC 2N or 1N semis or US house numbers like MJ, MJE, MPS not shown on this page for a repair?