0.6 /amp/6297-«tirpic»-boevye-dejstviya-linkora-v-1942-1944-godah.html 2018-08-03. Parks Dinarides -network of protected areas of the Dinarides is dedicated to improving, promoting and supporting natural and cultural values of protected Dinaric regions, and to the implementation of best practices of sustainable development and management.
Similar words: (1.00) (0.60) (0.60) (0.60) (0.60) sta Spanning Tree Algorithm sta station noun stanciya stabat Mater 1> Stabat Mater (srednevekovaya katolicheskaya horovaya kompoziciya) stafford(shire) noun Stafford(shir) staffs. Staffordshire noun Staffordshir (grafstvo v Anglii) stagirite 1> _ist. Stagirit, urozhenec Stagiry (v Drevnei Makedonii) 2> (the stagirite) Stagirit, Aristotel' stamp Act 1> _am. Zakon o gerbovom sbore stanislas noun Stanislav stanislaus noun Stanislav stanley noun Stenli, Stanli stannaries 1> Olovyannye rudniki (olovodobyvayushii i olovoplavil'nyi raion v Kornuolle i Devonshire) star Chamber 1> _ist. Zvezdnaya palata (vysshii korolevskii sud v Anglii, uprazdnennyi v 1641 g.) 2> tainyi, nepravednyi sud, sudilishe; zastenok star of Bethlehem 1> _rel. Vifleemskaya zvezda 2> pticemlechnik zontichnyi (Ornithogalum ambellatum) stars and Bars 1> _am.
'zvezdy i perekladiny', flag Konfederacii yuzhnyh shtatov stars and Stripes 1> 'zvezdy i polosy', gosuzharstvennyi flag SShA state Attorney 1> _am. Prokuror shtata state Bank of Construction 1> Vsesoyuznyi bank finansirovaniya kapital'nyh vlozhenii (Stroibank SSSR) state Bank of the USSR 1> Gosudarstvennyi bank SSSR (Gosbank SSSR) state Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Labour and Wages 1> Gosudarstvennyi komitet SSSR po voprosam truda i zarabotnoi platy state Department 1> _razg.
Gosudarstvennyi departament (ministerstvo inostrannyh del SShA) state of the state message 1> _am. Ezhegodnyi doklad gubernatora shtata zakonodatel'nomu sobraniyu state of the Union message 1> _am. Doklad prezidenta kongressu o polozhenii strany state of the World message 1> _am. Doklad prezidenta kongressu o mezhdunarodnom polozhenii state's Attorney 1> _am. Prokuror shtata state-house noun amer.
Zdanie zakonodatel'nogo organa shtata statehouse 1> _am. Zdanie zakonodatel'nogo organa shtata 2> _ist. Ratusha states General 1> _ist. General'nye shtaty states' righter 1> _am. Storonnik ohrany i rasshireniya prav shtatov; protivnik vmeshatel'stva federal'nogo pravitel'stva v dela otdel'nyh shtatov states' rights 1> _am. Prava otdel'nyh shtatov (ustanovlennye konstituciei SShA) stateside, stateside 1> _am. Otnosyashiisya k SShA, amerikanskii _Ex: stateside, stateside custom amerikanskii obychai _Ex: transferred from Europe to stateside, stateside duty perevedennyi iz Evropy na sluzhbu v SShA 2> _am.
RRRV, Numerical Problems – Current Chopping and Resistance Switching – CB ratings and Specifications: Types and Numerical Problems. UNIT – III Electromagnetic and Static Relays The principle of Operation and Construction of Attracted armature, Balanced Beam, induction Disc and Induction Cup relays. Application of relays: Over current/ Under voltage relays, Direction relays, Differential Relays, and Percentage Differential Relays. – Auto reclosures UNIT – II Circuit Breakers-2 Description and Operation of following types of circuit breakers: Minimum Oil Circuit breakers, Air Blast Circuit Breakers, Vacuum and SF6 circuit breakers. Relays Classification: Instantaneous, DMT and IDMT types. Switchgear protection and power systems sunil s rao pdf free download.
V SShA _Ex: to go stateside, stateside vernut'sya na rodinu, domoi (ob amerikance) statesider, statesider 1> _am. Korennoi amerikanec; grazhdanin SShA stationery Office 1> gosudarstvennaya kancelyariya (v Velikobritanii; izdaet pravitel'stvennye dokumenty) statistical department 1> Statisticheskoe upravlenie statute of Westminster 1> Vestminsterskii statut (1931 g.; akt parlamenta o pravovom polozhenii britanskih dominionov) stab 1> udar (nozhom, kinzhalom i t. P.) _Ex: stab in the back udar v spinu; predatel'skii udar 2> kolotaya rana 3> vnezapnaya ostraya bol', ukol (tzh. Stab of pain) _Ex: stab of lumbago pristup ishiasa 4> pristup, vnezapno nakativshee chuvstvo _Ex: stab of anxiety vnezapnoe chuvstvo trevogi _Ex: stab of joy (vnezapnyi) priliv radosti _Ex: a stab of pity ran through her ee ohvatila volna sostradaniya 5> rezkii korotkii udar (bil'yard) 6> _razg. Popytka _Ex: to make a stab at conversation pytat'sya zavyazat' besedu 7> nanosit' udar (nozhom, kinzhalom) 8> vonzat' (nozh i t. P.); kolot' (shtykom) _Ex: to stab a knife into smb.' S heart vonzit' nozh komu-l.
V serdce _Ex: to stab in the back vsadit' nozh v spinu; nanesti predatel'skii udar; zloslovit' za spinoi u kogo-l. 9> ranit' (ostrym oruzhiem); zakolot' (tzh.
To stab to death) _Ex: to stab oneself with a dagger zakolot'sya kinzhalom _Ex: to stab at smb. Zamahnut'sya na kogo-l. P.; nanesti komu-l. Kolotuyu ranu 10> tykat' _Ex: he stabbed me in the chest with his finger on tknul menya pal'cem v grud' _Ex: the speaker was stabbing the air in anger v gneve orator potryasal kulakom 11> _razg. Nanosit' usherb, terzat' _Ex: to stab at smb.' S reputation porochit' ch'yu-l. Reputaciyu 12> strelyat', kolot' (o bolevom oshushenii) 13> obbivat' stenu (pod shtukaturku) 14> _poligr.