Designed by Robert Browning and built in Belgium as Colt refused to produce it. Production ran from 1912 till 1983 and was originally designed for the German Luftwaffe (Airforce) issued to their pilots.
'This is an FN manufacture of the Browning 1922 in.32auto. Everything's in great working order; it's rare to see one in such good condition and with so much of the original blue. It's also rare to find one with all-matching serial numbers like this one. John The FN Browning Model 1922 pistol The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats. And accepted for use in mid-1942, considering its serial number.
It was then issued to the Military and Police and not available to private citizens The serial numbers are hard to run down, but this is a pre-war gun made sometime before 1941 and valuable in that respect. A FN1910/1922 like this one was used to assassinate Arch Duke Ferdinand of Austria and his wife in 1914 precipitating in World War I I paid $350 for it three years ago. 'He said true things, but called them by wrong names.' Reshebnik zeit fur deutsche.
—Robert Browning Do some research of your own. Your father was playing the right tune, but he got some of the words wrong. • For instance, it would have been impossible to have produced a Model of 1922 pistol in 1914, in time to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The Model of 1910 was somewhat similar, but it was not the same (and Princip's M.1910 was in.380 ACP). • Since the German Luftwaffe dates from 1935, the Model 1922 could not have been 'originally designed for the German Luftwaffe (Airforce).' But, yes, some of the pilots were issued it after Belgium—and the FN factory—was taken over by the Nazis. • Back in the 1920s and '30s, Belgian citizens could own pistols, including the Model of 1922.
Although it was not limited to the police and military, a civilian would have had to special-order it from the factory. Obrazci pechatej cdr. See: Also see: And: And.