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SpellSword: I was wondering if the digital GOG version of Sudden Strike 2 is compatible with the physical CD version of the Hidden Stroke: APRM expansion pack? Also is there any chance that GOG will be selling digital versions of the Sudden Strike II expansion packs Hidden Stroke: APRM and Hidden Stroke II: APRM in the future? Related ' Hidden Stroke' Links for the curious: me/hidden-stroke-aprm]Hidden Stroke: APRM[/url] me/hidden-stroke-ii-aprm]Hidden Stroke II: APRM[/url] Hi, i have a link for you, if you want to download HS2 fusion 4.1b standalone version. I own physical copies of both hidden stroke I and II, Hidden stroke I requires the presence of Sudden strike II which i also have a physical copy of so unfortunately cannot answer your question regarding compatiblity with the digital download, My copy of hidden stroke II was produced for the asian market and is a standalone game, the CD itself appears to be an original English language CD with manual in English on the CD and dated 2005, just the literature on the outer packaging, a small paragraph on the jewel case and the physical copy of the manual are written in a foreign language.
Start game with new Switcher and open Readme to see changes. First SS mod to have 3 levels of difficulty. Game difficulty affects online games. Hidden Stroke 2 Fusion standalone modifiction of Sudden Strik 2, creaed by Alliance Francophone. Description: This is a mod/update for Hidden Stroke 2 (version 2.0.2b). Hidden Stroke 2 is a stand-alone game based upon Sudden Strike Forever and Sudden Strike 2.
World War II enthusiasts were given five new campaigns, one for each of the warring parties (Americans, Russians, English, Germans and Japanese). The struggle takes place in Africa in 1941, in Sicily (Allied landing in 1943), as well as in Italy and France in the final period of conflict. Authors from the Allied Power Team development studio have also prepared 13 additional, stand-alone singleleplayer missions and a number of maps for online competitors (local, Internet). More than 40 new infantry and vehicle units (heavy tanks, amphibians, portable mortars, torpedo boats) have appeared on the battlefield, while more than 40 new types of aircraft are available in the air (carriers, fighter squadrons, etc.). A number of units known from the original Sudden Strike II have been redesigned in order to use them even more effectively during the struggle.
What's more, selected units can now destroy trees or bridges, while infantry can move through forests without any restrictions. Some heavy equipment (guns, tanks) should also be hidden from the enemy in buildings, thus preparing an ideal trap (new forms of troop camouflage can also be used, for example, masking nets for tanks). The following maps show about 500 buildings and countless other objects. This add-on contains special software, which makes it impossible to use the codes and all the novelties that Hidden Stroke APRM has previously introduced to the game.
Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.