Obrazec Plana Raboti Po Osuschestvleniyu Proizvodstvennogo Kontrolya

Obrazec Plana Raboti Po Osuschestvleniyu Proizvodstvennogo Kontrolya

A literary critic who excelled in the genre, Orwell wrote ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’ etc. Dag's Orwell Project is comprehensive, offering all of Orwell's main works in both English and Russian. Orwell fans will also discover a large here — with the opportunity to access a selection of photos from Orwell's life as well as the extracts from biography written by Sir Bernard Crick — ‘’ and a complete Orwell bibliography. The section ‘A Life’ features critiques on Orwell's work and discussions devoted to the writer's continuing relevance in today's world. This web-site also features full text versions of Aldous Huxley's ‘’ and Evgeny Zamyatin's ‘’ (in Russian only so far). If you find anything interesting about George Orwell or his work not presented here, be free to send e-mail to me on. If you want to make donation, then read this page:.

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Obrazec Plana Raboti Po Osuschestvleniyu Proizvodstvennogo Kontrolya

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