These are highly accurate up to date rosters and player attributes for NHL09 on PC. Updated for NHL teams only (as well as the top National Teams: CAN, USA, RUS, SWE, CZE, FIN, SVK, (EUR, NA).
Amnesiac's roster 2018-19 These are highly accurate up to date rosters and player attributes for NHL09 on PC. They are updated for Updated for NHL teams only (as well as the top National Teams: CAN, USA, RUS, SWE, CZE, FIN, SVK, (EUR, NA).
The AHL, Euro, and KHL teams are not updated. Personally, I have no interest in updating these.
All rights reserved. Win Expectancy, Run Expectancy, and Leverage Index calculations provided by Tom Tango of, and co-author of. Primary Data Provided By Copyright © 2000-2019. Pripyacj diktant pa bel move. Much of the play-by-play, game results, and transaction information both shown and used to create certain data sets was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted.
NHL 09 Wide Screen Patch ( Slightly OT: NHL 09 Patch 1.02. Discussion in 'Hockey' started by KeepOnRollingBaby, Feb 17, 2009. Thread Status: Not open for further replies.
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Roster is updated regularly, see version for most recent updates. Team lines are done by myself and may not be accurate to date, as they get changed too often in real life. Players' salaries are not updated, as the league cap cannot be changed. The height and weight for 95% of the NHL players has been adjusted to 6'1, 205 lbs. The reason for this is because tall and heavy players are too slow, while short and light players are too fast in the game.
This way Im able to adjust the players' speed and acceleration relative to each other without having to guess, as speed is the most important/dominant attribute in the game. That being said, I do slightly adjust the extreme tall players to have some noticeable appearance in the game (ie. 6'4 players are put to 6'2, 6'5 to 6'3, etc). All in all its barely noticeable, and it makes the game more fair, in my opinion. No I will not change them back.
Created teams: - Vegas Golden Knights (Eastern All-Stars) Vegas ice (rename ICE_230.fsh to ICE_030.fsh). • - Team Europe (Team Japan) from the 2016 WCH (players such as: Hossa, Kopitar, Halak, Chara, Josi.). - Team NA (23 and under) (Team Kazakhstan) from the 2016 WCH (players such as: McDavid, MacKinnon, Gaudreau, Eichel, Ekblad.). - Additional NHL 'All-Star teams'. Apart from actual 2018 All-Star teams (Western and North America), Ive created 3 pairs of the best possible teams from East and West under: All-Star A East and West, All-Star B, and All-Star C. - Battle of Canada tournament.
3 teams: Team West (BC, AB, SK, MB), Team Ontario, and Team East (QC and Maritimes). - 'All-Time Legends' teams, including players such as: Gretzky, Orr, Lemieux, Roy, Plante, Lafleur, Richard, Bossy to name a few. The 2 teams are Team Gretzky and Team Orr. See below for facepack and cybers (credit to Turbo 6, Slomo76, Jo-Naz, heninsh).
- 'Young Gun Teams' consisting of current NHLers and prospects born in 1994 or later. The 2 teams are under the Colorado Eagles and Mississippi Riverkings. You will find all 11 of these teams in the Amnesiac's All-Stars league. Hope you like them. Installation Instructions ** Please BACKUP your exhibition.exh, db.viv, and local.viv files before proceeding ** Step 1: Copy and Paste or unzip exhibition.exh and exhibition.exha.tdb to your USER or My Documents NHL09 FOLDER.
Say Yes to overwriting the files. Step 2: Copy and Paste or unzip db.viv to your C: Program Files EA Sports NHL 09 db FOLDER.
Say Yes to overwriting the file. Step 3: Copy and Paste or unzip local.viv to your C: Program Files EA Sports NHL 09 fe FOLDER. Say Yes to overwriting the file. (credit to CGYFlames for string edits) Step 4: Copy and Paste or unzip BHimport09_with_IDX, genbhnhl, gfxpak, IMPBig to your C: Program Files EA Sports NHL 09 FOLDER (if you dont have them already).
Step 5: Download and install pmomo2006's Play by Play, follow his instructions. I wanted to ask for the reason why all of the players had such low ratings. Compared to nhl 18 the overalls of the teams are like -4, -5 overall. For example in nhl 18 karlson has a rating of 91, but in your roster hes barely like an 86 or something like that.