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Dear All, I've just come accross the board, and i'm hoping that someone might be able to help me with a problem. I have a book that i'm typesetting. The file is about 328 pages, 6*9, and the indesign file is around 6MB. It is plain text, no graphics. This is about 5 times, what i would expect to see for a book this size. When i try to export it to PDF, the thing always hangs up and takes about 1 hour to write.
Proverio, da oko 130 sam negde oko 3000. Ubrzava autic solidno sa 70 i prima gas sve do 90 i onda lampa! Posle toga gubi ubrzanje dok ne pustis papucicu. Ne gorit lampa 4vd na surfe 130. Bez obzira na sve, ukoliko na tabli sa instrumentima ikad ugledate ovaj simbol, najbolje je automobil odmah zaustaviti i ugasiti. Neki automobili koji su proizvedeni u posljednjoj deceniji (naprimjer VW) imaju i žutu lampicu koja indicira da postoji manjak ulja u motoru ili da je pritisak oslabio, ali ne i potpuno pao. Posjedujem Daihatsu Charade TS 1990.g., 38kw, 1.0 motor, 3 cyl. Ovako ubrzanje do 100 km/h je uredu, bar mi tako djeluje, no iznad 100 katastrofa. Recimo od 120-130 km/h mu treba valjda minuta ili vise, uzas, i ne razumijem u cemu bi moga biti problem. Malo mu je pojacan ler gas na razvodnoj kapi, jer kada upalim svijetla trese se pa sam rekao.
Usually, i would expect it to take about 1 minute for a file this size. I've check to see if there are any hidden layers, or transparncies that i might have accidentally inserted, don't find anything unusual. I've also checked to make sure that i didn't convert the text from black into a four color process. I have tried exporting, printing, and converting the file into a PostScript. I've tried contacting Adobe, and they have no useful suggestions. Please please please, does anyone have any thoughts on what might cause this problem? RE: Problems Exporting from Indesign to PDF (Instructor) 19 Apr 06 15:47.
Here is the preflight report. .out of interest, make a copy of this indesign file, change the type to one typeface style, a real basic one like courier or something and try exporting could have a corrupt font screwing things up somewhere, fonts can be sensitive things, easily getting corrupted.if this is better on export then a process of elimination may be required as to which font is causing the preflight report does mention a missing image too, so update that one in the links palette. Andrew RE: Problems Exporting from Indesign to PDF (TechnicalUser) 19 Apr 06 16:44.