How to create an index-file for Xampp. Ask Question 0. (with Xampp installed) I have downloaded my site to the hard-drive and is now trying to get it work on 'localhost'. What code should i write in it? Should it be an index.php or index.html?? Thx in advance! – badprimer Dec 20 '13 at 5:28. If you are coding with no server side on.
Contents • • • • • • • • Getting Apache and MySQL running [ ] • Download the latest version for your platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, or Solaris) from. • Run the executable to extract it (you can extract it straight to C: if you want; it'll create an XAMPP subfolder and put all the files there) and answer the questions setup will ask you. Rename the folder to XAMPP.
The minimum required components are Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin. • At the end, setup will give you an option to start the XAMPP control panel; select that option and it should pop up. • Check the checkboxes for Apache and MySQL and click on their respective Start buttons to start those. Creating your database [ ] • Direct your browser to • Go to phpMyAdmin at the top of the page • Sign in • Click Databases on the top bar.
• Choose a name e.g. Wikidb, select a e.g. If your wiki is using utf8 for its default charset then choose utf8_unicode_ci, and click Create) • Go into the new database and click on Privileges on the top bar. • Click Add a new user • Enter a name for the user (e.g., wikiuser), a password and for the hostname select Local/localhost.
You can leave all the rest blank. You may want to write down your database name, user name, and password, because you'll need those to install MediaWiki. • Click the radio button for 'Grant all privileges on database 'xxx' • For Global privileges select check all • Click Go. Editing PHP.ini [ ] To make sure that the Apache HTTP server doesn't time out during the creation of the databases, modify the php.ini config file: • Open the php.ini (can be found in the folder /path_to_xampp/php) file using your favorite text editor and find the following section and change to max_execution_time = 600.
• Save the file and restart Apache Setting up MediaWiki [ ] • • Extract all your MediaWiki files and folders into a subfolder e.g. Mywiki of the htdocs folder, wherever that is e.g. C: xampp htdocs. • Direct your browser to the appropriate page, e.g. • Follow the MediaWiki installer's instructions, entering the database name, user name, and password you wrote down during the 'creating your database' step above.
Program stock barang php pdf. • Add new setting to define the title of the Reserve Form • Permanently remove all WP Inventory themes except the default theme • Resolve jQuery notice for deprecated.load function • Enhancements to support upcoming locations manager add-on • Integration of SweetAlert to be available to add-ons as needed 1.6.9 • • Fix bug with search / sort in admin not properly applying.
• If you enabled the, then you need to Use superuser account. This means the MySQL root account and its password. • After MediaWiki tells you that everything went smoothly, save your file to your wiki's root folder, e.g. C: xampp htdocs mywiki. • Direct your browser once again to the appropriate page, e.g. It should take you to the Main Page of your new wiki. • Add any extra your wiki is going to require.
Backing-up [ ] Main article: • In SQL admin, go to the wiki database (typically wikidb), and click Export. Check the first box under 'structure' (DROP TABLES), and check the 'save as file' checkbox near the bottom. Click Go and save the file to the backup location. • Save a copy of the wiki folder, e.g. Mywiki from c: xampp htdocs mywiki to the backup location. Restoring [ ] Main article: • Install XAMPP on the new server.
• In SQL admin: • Create a new blank database with the default options and a name of your choice. • Import the database file you backed-up. • Change the SQL password of the root for that db (in privileges tab) • Copy the wiki folder from back-up into the new htdocs folder. • Change LocalSettings.php to reflect the new db username and password.
See also [ ] • • for AMPs with MediaWiki built in. • • • External links [ ] •, uses XAMPP • NetBeans Guide to •.
Xampp-index Modified index.php of xampp to show the files in the htdocs folder instead of taking the user to phpmyadmin when localhost is typed in the address bar. Authors: Naveen Sharma and Brajinder Singh Installation: • Make sure you rename and keep a backup of your original index.php file in the htdocs folder. • Just download and copy-paste the contents in the htdocs folder of your xampp installtion. It contains an img folder which has the background image for the main window and also a xampp-js folder which has the jquery library file, which is neccessary in case you are not connected to the internet. Just copy paste and enjoy the new features like listing all files and directories, and insta-searching through them.
THE C PUZZLE BOOK Alan R. Feuer Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, New Jersey. The first C puzzles were developed for an introductory C programming course that. C puzzles answers pdf, c puzzles. Feuer is a software instructor, author of technical books, and developer of commercial software. His books include The C Puzzle Book, MFC Programming, and The C Trainer; commercial software includes the Allways Spreadsheet Publisher and the Safe C Runtime Analyzer. C puzzles by alan r feuer pdf. Puzzles are based on ANSI Standard C. Feuer is a software. The C puzzle book (Prentice-Hall software series) by Alan R. Alan Feuer covers major topics of C from. Puzzle book (Prentice-Hall software series). Feuer is the author of The C Puzzle Book (3.90 avg rating, 30 ratings, 4 reviews, published 1985), MFC Programming [With.