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Sep 6, 2018 - Americans arrested in Haiti arrive in Miami Five Americans arrested in Haiti fly back to the U.S. Hotel owner in Haiti calls the travel warning is.
I am developing a solution with NiceLabel. I purchased a license yesterday but the license key has not come in yet. In the mean time a sales rep there provided me with a 30 day trial license so as to not hold up my work. Much appreciated! However - today I wanted to test deploy my solution on a server and when I did it would not work. I assumed because the version on the server was in demo mode. So I thought I could deactivate the license on my development machine and use it on the server to test the installation - but now I get the error 'This Key Number is not valid any more!'
Both on the server and now on my development machine. Is this just a characteristic of the trial key? As I will probably want/need to do this several/many times in the next week or so when my licensed key comes in before I can move it into production. Can a valid license key be moved between computers as many times and as often as needed? I incorrectly purchased the Designer Pro version and received a refund. The key was disabled within NiceLabel systems before I could deactivate it within my install and I cannot replace it with the license key I have since purchased for PowerForms Desktop (formerly Designer Pro Suite). When I attempt to deactivate the license I get the 'The Key Number is not valid any more!'
Error as well. I've uninstalled the NiceLabel software attempting to clear the old license key settings, but they persist and when I re-install they are pulled right back in again.
How can I clear the old license key settings so that I can input my new key for PowerForms Desktop?